History and Politics
History ,Evolution and Modern Politics.
The New Kingdom:-
Ahmose I:-
Ahmose I started the 18th dynasty and fortified the country to prevent future invasions. He expanded the borders to Palestine 🇵🇸 and Syria 🇸🇾 and did military operations against the Kingdom of Kush in Nubia. He was replaced by Amenhotep I who was further superseded by Thutmose I. Thutmose I expanded the temple of Karnak and ordered construction of new structures and temples.
Thutmose II rose to power after Thutmose I, little is known about his reign. Later, her potent half-sister known as Hatshepsut ascended to the throne. She co-reigned with Thutmose III. She did expeditions to the punt and her reign is marked with marvellous new edifices. Her most remarkable work is Deir el-Bahri. Future Pharaohs tried to steal credit for her structures by taking her name off but failed.

Thutmose III – The Warrior Pharaoh:-
The Battle of Megiddo:-
In the reign of Thutmose III, a battle was fought between the Egyptians and the Canaanites. Pharaoh sought to expand Egyptian borders and influence into Levant territory ruled by various chiefs. In the ancient city of Megiddo, Canaanite forces under the King of Kadesh fought a battle with the warrior Pharaoh. Thutmose III led his army from the most unexpected route and surprised the enemies. His strategic brilliance caused the victory of the Egyptians and their dominance prevailed to new heights
New expansions:-
He expanded the kingdom further to modern-day Libya 🇱🇾, Syria 🇸🇾, Turkey 🇹🇷, Cyprus 🇨🇾 and Sudan 🇸🇩. Under his leadership, the Egyptian Kingdom was one of the most powerful empires of the time.
Amenhotep II and Thutmose IV:-
Amenhotep II inherited the throne and maintained Egyptian hegemony in the world politics. Thutmose IV legitimised his succession by “Dream Stale”. According to him the sphinx god came in his dream and told him to restore the Great Sphinx of Giza. Both rulers maintained the empire’s new heights and did construction projects and diplomacy with other countries.

Amenhotep III – The Ninth Pharaoh:-
Amenhotep III is the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty. He ruled at the apex of the 18th dynasty and is known to be one of the greatest pharaohs and his reign is often regarded as the “Golden Age” of Egypt.
His reign marked wealth and prosperity. The Egyptian economy flourished due to the vast trade networks and resources of the Nile. He did diplomatic marriages to avoid disputes with neighbouring nations. He played his role in the expansion of the Temple of Karnak and ordered other building projects for example: The Colossi of Memnon, Luxor Temple etc. The artwork and culture blossomed, with splendid craftsmanship and spectacular sculptures, jewellery and architecture. He raised his status to that of a god.

Amenhotep IV ascension to the crown resulted in controversial legislation. He was the 10th Pharaoh of the dynasty. He changed his name to Akhenaten in the future i.e. Effective for Aten. It marked devotion to Aten and gradual shifts towards religious values. He established monotheism by declaring Aten as the one god. Furthermore, he established a new capital “Akhetaten” modern-day Amarna. The prior religious city and capital Thebes was abandoned.
He became a Pharaoh at the age of 9. He shifted the capital from Amarna to Memphis and established Thebes as a religious and political centre. Later, he changed his name to Tutankhamun and reopened the temples shuttered down by his father and established the old religion and customs then married his half-sister Ankhesenamun. He died at the young age of 18 and his wife married a high-ranking official “Ay” and he became the next Pharaoh.
Due to no heir to the throne after the death of Ay, Horemheb a high official and advisor ascended to the crown. He burned Akhenaten’s writings, statues and sanctuary. He upheld the old rituals and customs and endeavoured to return Egypt to its previous glory.
Ramesses I:-
Horemheb had no juvenile, and due to this, he nominated his vizier Pramesse as his inheritor who mounted to the throne by the name of Ramesses I. He founded the 19th dynasty of Ancient Egypt. He upheld Horemheb’s plans and maintained them. Seti I took his place. He conquered all the areas taken by the enemy that was once there. After him came the greatest Pharaoh of all time.
Ramesses II

Ramesses II ruled for over 67 years and was the greatest emperor of ancient Egypt. He built magnificent monuments and temples for his unbelievable conquests and accomplishments.
The Battle of Kadesh:-
The Battle of Kadesh was fought between Pharaoh Ramesses II of Egypt and King Muwatalli II of the Hittite Empire near the city of Kadesh. The purpose of the battle was to dominate the territories of the Levant region. The battle was chaotic and destructive. Neither of them was able to achieve their motives and suffered heavy losses. The Hittie surrendered and Ramesses II announced victory but Hittie still ruled over the city of Kadesh.
Peace Treaty:-
Ramesses II won incredible victories but he is most famously known for his peace treaty. It is considered the first-ever international peace agreement between two powers, the Egyptians and the Hittites.

Merenptah the fourth ruler of the 19th dynasty. He invaded Libya and conquered it and did military campaigns in Canaan. He maintained the empire and played an important part in the 19th dynasty. After his death, a few Pharaohs ruled but the period was politically unstable.
Ramesses III

Ramesses III founded the 20th dynasty of Ancient Egypt and stabilised the country. He is declared to be the last powerful king of Egyptian history. He defeated the sea people who had been frightening them for a long time. It is known to be the last major victory battle of Egypt. The battle was so expensive that the royal treasury was emptied.
Labour Strike and Priests of Amun:-
Due to no treasury, the Pharaoh wasn’t able to pay the labourers their due payments. The labourers formed a coalition and the first ever historic labour strike occurred. The priest of Amun also rose to power and authority. Due to less central authority, the priesthood rose and divided the country.
End of The New Kingdom:-
After the end of Ramesses III Egypt entered a state of turmoil. Numerous Pharaohs came after him, Ramesses IV, Ramesses V, Ramesses VI, Ramesses VII, Ramesses VIII, Ramesses IX, Ramesses X and Ramesses XI all of them tried to hold the kingdom together but failed.
At last, the New Kingdom came to an end and the Egyptians once again entered into The Intermediate Period and The Third Intermediate Period began.

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