History and Politics : Blog that Uncovers the Untold.

History: Shaper of Future
History is a subject of past times and the changes certain events led to that define our present. The first account of history we have today is of “The Sumerians” and “The Egyptians”. The Kish Tablet is famously known to be the oldest historical record which was in the form of marks on clay, it’s a little over 5,000 years back.
The study of the past uncovers societies, identities and cultures of ancient people. Through historical records, we learn about their way of life and human evolution. It provides us with a long-term perspective and through it, we understand human beings better and the significance of certain events which laid the footsteps of the current time. The tales inspire humans to unleash their true potential and to achieve greatness.
Through documented inscriptions, one comprehends his originality and learns through the books of their ancestors, which gives a headstart in education and wisdom. It enhances our analytical and critical thinking skills and gives us purpose. By preserving the past we can understand the concepts at its core and achieve efficiency.
By exploring ancient times we learn through the blunders of the people of the past and vows to not make them further. Learning through errors of history we come down to agreeable conclusions.

Politics: The Rise of Nations:-
Politics is a concept of governing humans of like minds, tribes and ideologies through specific laws and ordinances. Different types of political systems have existed throughout human evolution in different parts of the world 🌏. The earliest documented system used by the “Egyptians” and “Mesopotamians” was a mixture of “Monarchy” and “Theocracy”, Kings were considered semi-deities and were thought to be representative of God.
Politics is used by societies to maintain law and order, and serenity and to prevent foreseeable wars. Without a political system who will supervise all the resources and fulfil the possible requirements of the public and the state? There will be no justice, equality or freedom and the powerful will exploit the weak.
Politics helps us communicate with different countries and organizations for the best of both parties. Through political talk, wars don’t break out and unified judgments are settled. Peace prevails throughout the world and all human beings progress further concurrently in all realms of human endeavours.
The political system unifies people to strive together for national motives and provides a technique for the benefit of the citizens.
Prospective insights:
What to anticipate:-
In future blogs, we will dive deep into the realm of history and politics and display upfront a unique lens to scrutinize the insights and different voices which exist around the world. We will share our analysis and perspectives on diverse topics of our niche. Please don’t forget to share your opinions, thoughts and suggestions as your response is vital to us.
History and Politics deciphered :Clear answers for a Complex world
Suleman Junaid
Writer, Publisher , History and Politics.